
Green Spacer Protective Barriers: features and benefits

Among the consequences of Coronavirus stands out the emergency of reorganizing professional environments in total safety and in full compliance with current regulations. The Green Spacer cardboard protective barriers have been specially designed to cope with this situation, with total respect for the environment. They have the same protective functions as plexiglass separators and advantageous prices.  Green Spacer Protective […]

Packaging in the time of the coronavirus: data and considerations

Following the lockdown, a sudden rise in purchases of essential products such as flour, rice, milk, cannery, yeast and personal hygiene products such as pharmaceuticals and sanitizers occurred. In conjunction with the purchase of essential goods, consumers have returned to appreciate the packaging and its main features, such as preserving and protecting the integrity of the content. But not only that: the ability of the packaging to keep the flavor and […]

How long does Coronavirus last on surfaces? Ministry of Health data

The circular of 22 May 2020 of the Ministry of Health, reports the virus resistance times on surfaces, which are minimal for paper and cardboard (about 3 hours) and last for several days on plastic and stainless steel.  How long does Covid 19 last on surfaces? The data  The transmission of the Coronavirus occurs mainly through droplets, or droplets […]

Tailored proposals and more personalized products: this is how the Inkjet guides Sandra

Sandra (Cart-One Parma) has been producing corrugated cardboard packaging for over 60 years for customers specializing in multiple sectors.  Always distinguished by its innovative ability that leads it to adopt new sustainable and cutting edge solutions, Sandra in 2010 installed in its production area an HS corrugator with 3.35 meters width (the largest model available on the market) and in 2017 a single-pass […]

Food packaging: how and what to do to win customers over

Food packaging was created with the aim of keeping the product as long as possible and in the best conditions. This is to preserve its quality and properties and the health of consumers. Food packaging does not have a purely functional purpose but is fully part of a company’s communication strategy. How? Let’s see together how to conquer end customers through the right […]

Plastic pollution: what companies can do to reduce it

The State Council of the European Union has approved the legislation that establishes, since 2021, the ban on the sale of some disposable plastic products such as cutlery, plates, straws, cotton buds and plastic sticks for balloons. The directive also established a target for the collection and recycling of 90% of plastic bottles used, through […]

Shipping boxes: how to choose them according to the products

When you need to ship any goods, you need to get the right box and packaging. Tin, objects, fragile goods, products for Food & Beverage distribution must be properly packaged to preserve their integrity.  During transport, in fact, the goods could be subject to compressions, vibrations (for example, those that occur in transport by road or rail), or to accidental blows during loading […]

Cart-One Parma. Trigeneration Plant: First Factory in the World 100% Green!

L’impianto di trigenerazione Sandra si è distinta a livello mondiale per le sue prestigiose performance prodotte nell’ambito della sostenibilità aziendale.

How to recycle corrugated cardboard: many ideas for creative recycling

Corrugated cardboard is a real resource, also ideal for unleashing your imagination. This material, in fact, can form the basis for numerous DIY creations, perfect for embellishing the home with an object made with your own hands. All you need is a little corrugated cardboard, tempera or colored fabrics and glue to create many masterpieces, […]

Sustainable Marketing: What does it Mean?

Cosa si intende per sostenibilità aziendale? Ecco le best practise e l’esperienza CART-ONE nell’ambito della sostenibilità