
Luxury packaging: the forecasts of the future market

Packaging for the luxury segment is built and designed to convey brand values ​​by focusing on elegance and innovation. Nowadays, a new sensitivity regarding pollution and waste production, as well as the changed purchasing habits of consumers and the greater use of online stores, have given the sector new stimuli, offering the possibility for designers […]

Sustainable packaging – ECOGRIP the corrugated alternative to plastic shrink wrap

Sustainable packaging – a major concern Research has shown retailers and consumers are now demanding more sustainable packaging solutions when they make purchase decisions. Moreover, the EU’s single-use plastic (SUP) Directive, which came into force on 3rd July 2019, aims to reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. This has caused large […]

Packaging and Recycling: between perspective and reality

One of the “hottest” topics of the last period is certainly that concerning the prospects of recycling and recovery of packaging. If at first the COVID-19 pandemic had beneficial effects on the environment, over time this result could easily be compromised by the production of new non-recyclable waste: we are obviously talking about disposable masks […]

Recycling and civil society: which are the most effective awareness raising strategies

Environmental issues and those concerning recycling have recently returned to the fore, especially following the recent Coronavirus pandemic. According to the opinion of many geologists, including Mario Tozzi, zoonoses are the consequence of a type of exploitation of resources that damages biodiversity through the destruction of ecosystems. In this sense, the greater frequency of contact […]

End of waste Paper and Cardboard: how waste becomes resources

Environment Italian Minister Sergio Costa has signed the regulation that marks the End of Waste regarding the life cycle of paper and cardboard. The minister himself stated that “the End of Waste is an indispensable element for enhancing the potential of waste and can make a strong contribution to developing the potential of the recycling […]

Smart manufacturing and industry 4.0: perspectives for the post Covid restart

If we are to find a positive effect caused by the Covid 19 pandemic, we must certainly look for it in the environmental improvement due to the quarantine, which has probably further turned the spotlight on the issues of recycling and recovery. However, the results achieved could be entirely momentary, because in phase 2 and […]

Packaging recovered: 2025 goals exceeded

Do Italians commit to separate waste collection? According to some data concerning the year 2019, not only does the percentage of recycled waste increase, but the objectives to be achieved in 2025 imposed by Europe are exceeded. Giorgio Quagliuolo, outgoing president of Conai, in a statement issued to the Assembly of the National Packaging Consortium […]

How to increase the circular economy and in the recycling sector

The choice of sustainable solutions also concerns the supply chain engaged in the production of cardboard packaging. Based on the new goals set by Europe and government agencies, work is being done with a view to promoting a circular economy that optimizes a virtuous process based on the following principles: production, use, recycling and reuse. […]

Decarbonization strategy: what is it?

Climate change is a current and urgent topic that affects the whole world and requires the right attention from society. First of all, the industries that have an urgent duty to change their production methods, becoming more sustainable and attentive to the environment. It is for these reasons that for years there has been talk […]

Packaging Fruit and Vegetable Sector: Corrugated cardboard, reusable wood and plastic

Plastic baskets, punnets and trays, corrugated cardboard bags, packaging with nets and sustainable packaging represent part of the solutions used as packaging in the fruit and vegetable sector. A complex and articulated world bonded to movements to which fresh fruit and vegetables are subjected. There are numerous needs to be met: from transportation to fruit […]