
Scatole bianche: la soluzione affidabile e raffinata

Le scatole bianche rappresentano la soluzione ideale per trasmettere eleganza e affidabilità, oltre che per valorizzare al meglio i colori e i messaggi stampati da parte dei brand. Scatole bianche: la soluzione affidabile e raffinata. Gli imballaggi, oltre a risultare sicuri, devono rispondere anche a esigenze di tipo estetico. Le scatole bianche, infatti, trasmettono stile […]

Come spedire gli elettrodomestici: gli imballaggi idonei

In caso di traslochi, trasferimenti o semplicemente per spedire un regalo dall’Italia all’estero, occorre sempre attrezzarsi nel modo più adeguato e seguire alcuni semplici consigli. Come spedire gli elettrodomestici: gli imballaggi idonei. Devi spedire un piccolo o un grande elettrodomestico, ma non sai da che parte cominciare? Bene, allora è tempo di imparare a distinguere […]

Which characteristics do Italians look in a packaging for?

Packaging is increasingly at the center of consumer choices, even in the food sector. The concern, in fact, is to have containers and packaging that not only effectively protect food, but that are also sustainable. The luck of a product on the shelves, therefore, is even more linked to the packaging, intended as a mix […]

How paper and cardboard fight food waste

Paper is increasingly at the center of the Food and Beverage sector due to its intrinsic characteristics. This material, in fact, can define a natural, biodegradable and recyclable product. All these features are perfect for cellulose-based packaging to be used in contact with food. In the next paragraphs we will evaluate the consequences related to […]

How to renew your corporate image: because (only) packaging is no longer enough

Redefining your corporate image can help give loyal customers a new experience, which can also be compatible with reaching new niches of public. Nowadays, sustainability policies are fundamental, as consumers are more attentive to issues concerning the production chains and the aspects concerning the packaging of the item they purchase. Is it sustainable? Is it […]

Shrink film: damage to the environment and green alternatives

Shrink film is one of the most often used packaging in the Food & Beverage sector. This type of packaging is suitable for manual and automatic lines and represents an optimal way to seal products. While representing an economic and sustainable method, perfect for the needs of large retailers, at the same time its environmental […]

What will the beverage cartons of the future be like? Projects and forecasts

The beverage sector also needs to renew its packaging to meet the greatest needs in terms of sustainability and recycling. In detail, among the solutions that can make the market evolve in this direction, we find beverage cartons. The latter represent a packaging solution that combines several factors that determine its sustainability, including easy recyclability […]

Ecommerce business – A new era for packaging

It has been exactly two years since the Alliance and its members were FFP certified . A lot has changed in that time. More than a year on from the start of the pandemic, there has been a seismic shift in ecommerce packaging that no-one could have predicted. Here, we will look at the key […]

Packaging protagonista del commercio elettronico

Il packaging ha acquisito negli ultimi mesi un’importanza crescente in corrispondenza dell’incremento dei consumi derivati dall’acquisto di beni online. La recente epidemia di Covid-19 ha avvicinato anche i più scettici, dando un impulso agli acquisti tramite le piattaforme digitali. Moda, cosmesi e alimentari, ma anche attrezzature sportive e prodotti di intrattenimento sono stati acquistati online […]

Cosmetics and sustainable packaging: a growing trend

Consumers’ purchasing choices increasingly seem to be influenced by packaging, especially when it comes to products with sustainable packaging. The confirmation comes from the research conducted by Nomisma, entitled “Packaging speaks green”. It has been dedicated a forum and its results. Consumer awareness and the sensitivity for green issues are nowadays a fact that must […]