Recycling and civil society: which are the most effective awareness raising strategies

Environmental issues and those concerning recycling have recently returned to the fore, especially following the recent Coronavirus pandemic. According to the opinion of many geologists, including Mario Tozzi, zoonoses are the consequence of a type of exploitation of resources that damages biodiversity through the destruction of ecosystems.
In this sense, the greater frequency of contact between domestic and wild fauna is the cause of the transmission of viruses between different animal species, which in some cases involves a further leap of species to humans.
Changing production cycles in the name of the circular economy can partially solve the problem of environmental pollution. Awareness raising actions by government bodies are also fundamental, as is individual initiative through the limitation of waste, sustainable consumption, recycling and active participation.
Caring for the environment: an essential necessity
When we talk about care and respect for the environment, we can no longer afford to pursue an abstract concept, but we must act on the basis of concrete actions that have proven effectiveness.
Rethinking production with a view to circularity is a strategy that aims not only to undertake virtuous production cycles, but which at the same time tends to implement a supply chain made up of production, use, recycling and reuse of raw materials.
If the objectives imposed by the European Union regarding recycling have seen our country in advance in most cases (link to previous articles), on the other hand not only industries, but also local authorities and the individual they can do a lot to implement the recycling chain.
Local authorities and schools: what the role of recycling should be
Even today, along the edges of the provincial or city roads we cannot notice rubbish abandoned without any restraint.
Separate collection is more effective if every single individual is committed, fighting what are the wrong and sometimes illegal behaviors. A lot of help can also come from schools. Through dedicated projects, it is possible to raise awareness of environmental issues and the importance of recycling.
Inserting diversified containers, but also activating creative recycling projects, as well as promoting works that help to understand the importance of recycling, can be a winning strategy to make young citizens more respectful of the environment and able to promote actions, both in the workplace, both in private life, aimed at eco-sustainability.
Likewise, it is important that in public places, clubs and entertainment venues, stations are distributed to eliminate waste in a differentiated manner, following the instructions generally shown on the packs.
The separate waste collection containers must bear clear and intuitive indications that can facilitate the delivery of waste in the most appropriate way.
Activities can be promoted that further motivate recycling, such as rewarding virtuous condominiums through tax relief or by setting up machines that return tickets for public transport in exchange for the recycling of some materials, as happens in other countries, in particular with plastic bottles, so as to make the recovery chain more efficient.
The promotion of activities that allow reflection on environmental issues is also very useful: neighborhood committees and associations could monitor the state of the places and involve the community in cleaning and recycling actions, so as to offer awareness raising opportunities that turn into concrete actions of surveillance and improvement of the territory.
The world of arts and the environment: how culture can motivate recycling
Environmental issues have inspired many artists and screenwriters. There is no shortage of exponents of environmental art, who with their ideas have framed natural phenomena by reproducing them in paintings and sculptures: their activity also focuses on the fragility of nature up to the most extreme forms, which aim to prevent deterioration and the environmental situation.
The world of culture also offers us numerous examples through cinematography, whether with a documentary and investigative slant, or through historical or fantastic narration, has repeatedly brought to the fore the issues of environmental degradation, pollution and uncontrolled exploitation of the resources.
From the sci-fi Avatar to Erin Brockovich, to then move on to animated cinema, each director has brought their own vision on the topic hoping to have a strong impact not only on adults, but also on the younger generations.
If in 2008 it was the turn of Disney, with its robot WALL-E speaks to us of a wasteland in which man has exploited resources to the limit, reducing the landscape to an uninhabitable landfill, in 2020 it is the turn of an all-Italian film.
We are talking about TRASH: The Legend of the Magic Pyramid, the film that arrived in cinemas on October 16 and presented for the first time as an opening title as part of the Alice nella Città event as part of the Roma Festival.
The feature film is directed by Luca della Grotta and Francesco Dafano, produced by AL ONE and distributed by Notorius. The film was supported by the Italian consortia for the recycling of packaging.
In this sense, the Made in Italy work has received the applause of CONAI and the supply chain consortia CIAL, COMIECO, COREPLA, COREVE and RICREA, which have decided to support Trash thanks to its environmental message and in support of the circular economy. The film, in fact, emphasizes and makes young and old alike reflect on the importance of recycling as a way to give waste a new purpose.
As we have seen, global action is important to safeguard the planet. If many industries, such as CART-ONE for example, are adapting their procedures with a view to a circular economy, the consumer becomes an active part of this supply chain through actions that involve active participation in the differentiation of waste.
At the same time, the stimula proposed by the cultural world can also contribute to spreading more food for thought, for an approach to the planet’s resources that takes place in a more conscious and sustainable way.
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